Here you can find a selected list of publications that are affiliated with our lab
Digital transformation in public procurement: Unlocking procurement’s potential using robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technologies
Mugurusi, G., Langseth, M., Eyaa, S., Haddara, M. (2024). “Digital transformation in public procurement: Unlocking procurement’s potential using robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technologies”. Routledge.
User Preferences for a Smart City Transport Ticketing Service
Rivera, G., Fagerstrøm, A., Haddara, M., Eriksson, N., Sigurðsson, V. (2024) “User Preferences for a Smart City Transport Ticketing Service”. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM).
Data-Driven Fashion Trend Identification: Utilizing Text Mining for New Product Development Process
Haddara, M., Lilingpadang, Y., Langseth, M. (2024). “Data-Driven Fashion Trend Identification: Utilizing Text Mining for New Product Development Process”. Procedia Computer Science.
Generational Variations in Customer Engagement, Satisfaction, and Churn Rate: A Study of the Subscription Market
Haddara, M., van de Port, C., Langseth, M. (2024). “Generational Variations in Customer Engagement, Satisfaction, and Churn Rate: A Study of the Subscription Market”. Procedia Computer Science.
User Satisfaction with Fall Detection Systems in Smart Elderly Care
Weng, A., Nysæther, M., Haddara, M., Langseth, M. (2024). “User Satisfaction with Fall Detection Systems in Smart Elderly Care”. Procedia Computer Science.
Spend Analytics in Norwegian Public Procurement: Adoption Status and Influencing Factors
Langseth, M., & Haddara, M. (2024). “Spend Analytics in Norwegian Public Procurement: Adoption Status and Influencing Factors”. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management – IJISPM (12) 2. AIS.
Exploring the Antecedents and Implications of Data-Driven Decision-Making in Public Procurement
J Ole Similä, D Mwesiumo, M Langseth, M Haddara. International Journal of Procurement Management 19 (3)
Towards Sustainable ERP Systems: Bridging the Gap Between Current Capabilities and Future Potential
Backer, C. R., Slaman, M., Haddara, M., & Langseth, M. (2023, October). Towards Sustainable ERP Systems: Bridging the Gap Between Current Capabilities and Future Potential. In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (pp. 216-242). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Exploring Public Cloud-ERP Systems’ Impact on Organizational Performance
Øverdal, M., Haddara, M., & Langseth, M. (2022, October). Exploring Public Cloud-ERP Systems’ Impact on Organizational Performance. In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (pp. 121-137). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Exploring customer online reviews for new product development: The case of identifying reinforcers in the cosmetic industry
Sigurðsson, V., Exploring customer online reviews for new product development: The case of identifying reinforcers in the cosmetic industry. Managegement Decision Economics 2019, Wiley. 10.1002/mde.308
An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance
Hosseini, C., Humlung, O., Fagerstrøm, A., Haddara, M., (2021). “An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance“. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.
Challenges of Cloud-ERP Adoptions in SMEs
Haddara, M., Gøthesen, S., Langseth, M., (2021). “Challenges of Cloud-ERP Adoptions in SMEs“. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.
Factors Affecting Cloud ERP Adoption Decisions in Organizations
Christiansen, V., Haddara, M., Langseth, M., (2021). “Factors Affecting Cloud ERP Adoption Decisions in Organizations“. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.
Sharing Is Caring–Design and Demonstration of a Data Privacy Tool for Interorganizational Transfer of Data
Hussain, Abid, Lester Allan Lasrado, Raghava Rao Mukkamala, and Usman Tanveer. "Sharing Is Caring–Design and Demonstration of a Data Privacy Tool for Interorganizational Transfer of Data." Procedia Computer Science 181 (2021): 394-402.
A Set Theoretical Approach to Maturity Models: Guidelines and Demonstration
Lasrado, Lester, Ravi Vatrapu, and Kim Normann Andersen. "A Set Theoretical Approach to Maturity Models: Guidelines and Demonstration." In ICIS 2016 Proceedings, p. 20. Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2016.